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My main research is on numerical optimization: theory, algorithms, and applications. I am currently focusing on efficient methods (both deterministic and stochastic) for convex optimization and nonconvex optimization, with applications in machine learning, control, signal/image processing, engineering, and data science.

Currently I am a postdoctoral researcher at university of Helsinki, Finland, working in the department of Mathematics and Statistics with Tuomo Valkonen.

Area of intrerest:

I am broadly interested in exploring the following areas:

I defended my Ph.D thesis in May, 2024 supervised by Ion Necoara within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie early stage research, TraDE-Opt project as ESR 10. My thesis is “Higher-order methods for composite optimization and applications”.

I received a BSc degree in Applied Mathematics from University Cadi Ayyad in 2016. I obtained a MSc degree in Applied mathematics from Faculty of Science and Technology, Morocco in 2018.



Teaching experience:
